Play, a fundamental need

Yesterday, we've enjoyed the last edition of ‘Existential Boost’, a monthly online gathering of ‘quiveringly’ alive minds and bodies. It was certainly a joy to host these ten sessions! Along the way, I noticed that I approached these sessions with less and less preparation. On a personal and professional level, this was also a conscious challenge that I wanted to integrate in the facilitation of these sessions.

I loved the outcome. That is to say, I loved the process! Participants have appreciated the alternation between reflective and play mode. We also danced quite a lot, particularly after some long and valuable reflections on vulnerable topics. These dances had a refreshing quality. I invited participants to consciously create a little ritual: a dance with which they actively appreciated themselves, including the parts they prefer to hide in the shadow, and told themselves old and rusty stories about.

Looking back, this trajectory has made me value moments of joy, pleasure, play, and experimentation even more. After every session, I felt an elevated energy level, a fulfillment of exploration needs, and gratefulness for being able to facilitate these kinds of apparent directionless meetings. True existential boosts!

Giftedness can come along with a powerful kind of seriousness, and I love the accompanying experience of a deep existential focus. At the same time, our body and mind get intensely vitalized by embodied activities such as dance, touch, and foolishness. Let us cherish all these aspects of being human.

Whatever kind of activities will unfold in the near future, I am sure that play will have its solid place on the menu.


Alive and ‘friending’


Jealousy dissected