A protected way of being awakened

"I can see myself in your eyes. You see yourself in my eyes."

Many moments in time intensify yearning for plain and profound wisdom. A little yet big human being just found words for a concrete, sensorial experience of interconnection, laying in my arms, nearing sleep, a protected way of being awakened.

Slowly her eyes closed. A week of many first impressions left her body tense. My high body temperature, an internal fight with a rising inflammation, made it extra cozy for her to be held, kissed, and rocked. I felt intensely energy low. Nonetheless, having her in my arms that way, in that state, with the slowing of time and expansion of space, also felt quite hallucinogenic and meditative. A deep-rooted yet floating sense of love fueled blood vessels and warm vibes. Her face was the ultimate beauty of the universe, nothing in nor around me could escape the accompanying sense of unity.

Like happens often when something feels precious, my mind imagines sentient beings enduring extreme hardships, violence, and alienation – those in deep need for precisely these moments. Oh please, take care…. It starts to ache more when the imagination reaches the outer areas of my heart’s bodily connections. It is of importance to me that this stream of consciousness does not stop at sentiment. It is a visceral experience of interconnection, a being in-hereness together. Without embodiment, wisdom gets lost in duality.

And I was silently hoping I could somehow savor some love for those in serious need, to go beyond the ‘wired up’ love that kinship is. There is much to honestly say and de -glorify about parenthood. But, I just knew, absolutely sure of myself, this was one of the most transcendent moments I had known up till now. It is medicinal, really.

It is in the bodily expressed trust of a vulnerable child that awareness can re-embody confidence in becoming a responsible human-animal acting beyond conditioned binaries. Diaper changing can also be game changing.

In our brief moment of prosocial sharing, our mutual caressing and untroubled caretaking, union between instinct and intuition, intellect and emotions was loud and clear. We slowly stroked each other’s cheeks and shared the heat of the incarnated moment when, finally, her awareness entered one of the biggest mysterious so close to her day-to-day wisdom, dreams.

I also have dreams. Encompassing love. Yes, I do believe this exists – in unimaginably multiple forms and moments. Want to share your experience?



