I to I
To live precisely, preciously on the borders of one’s ultimate condition – skinned existence – is to embolden both the space tenderly illuminated as a We and the space sacralized as the enigmatic, courageous I.
Here, we meet I to I.
Here, our rightful aloneness belongs and senses its belonging through a silent yet seducing invitation to stretch, to reach out, to hold back, to touch, to lay down, to cuddle, to speak, to play, to yawn,... Here, sensations become fuel for imagination, a potential choreography of a shared life.
Contact boundaries revitalize our understanding of belonging.
Here, We is the innate potential of the I to unravel its timebound, particular form and, even if only for an immersiful second, gain a cosmic quality. Boundless becoming. Here rises an intuition, an unexpected opening up, an ’ah yes, me too’.
I am other.
Shifting subtleties shape the living room of our felt pronouns.
At the frontier of one’s deepened, sensitized aloneness lies the spiritually enriching experience of the other's otherness. We deeply turn inwards and broaden our connections outwards.
Here, We expands
to become an I
never expected
Here, We is but a birthing of each other’s I.
Here, We becomes an intimate experience of what is essensual to our collective's third eye.