Hoe hoop vruchten werpt

"You allude in the film to the idea of hope — whichis a nice way to end a film, but it is a set of songs about loss and death and memory. What feels hopeful about this material to you?

It's just the drinking in of life, you know? Having the experience of having been here. As I've gotten older, I appreciate that experience more and more each day. I appreciate each sunrise and sunset.

I was in the ocean yesterday in the middle of October, and there was just a moment where I just thought about how wonderful that was. And the fact that I've sustained these relationships in my band for 45, 50 years and that we continue to be a unit that functions at its highest level this late in the day — these are all things that I find great hope in. And in the love that's in my life; I find tremendous hope in simply the love that I have amongst my band members and amongst my family. And death is just a part of all those things, you know? So I feel like a lucky guy." - Bruce Springsteen, NPR

Wat is hoop, wat betekent hoop voor jou? Connectie speelt voor mij zéker een belangrijke, zo niet fundamentele, funderende rol. Wanhoop is een signaal van verlatenheid en machteloosheid, hoop is diepzinnige verbinding die dwars door alle moeilijkheden heen bedding weeft, soelaas biedt. Humor, dat is ook hoop, in kleine, tintelende proporties. En hoop groeit ook door zijn-met-wat-is, daar waar hoop geen plek hoeft te hebben, daar werpt hoop vruchten.


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